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The new Crownhill Packaging website is now officially climate neutral.
As one of the largest packaging providers in North America, we’re aware of the impact our industry has on the environment. We strive to not only offer our customers a range of products and services with an eco-friendly or eco-conscious focus, but to bring that same focus into our business practices, too.
That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with ClimatePartner, an organization dedicated to taking ambitious climate action.
As of now, the CO2 our website produces is counterbalanced by a certified carbon offset project, a first step in ensuring that even our digital actions are rooted in sustainability.
That project involves contributing to a hydroelectric power plant located in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Using the local Rutshuru River, the process begins with turbines converting kinetic energy derived from falling water into mechanical energy. Another generator then converts this mechanical energy into electricity.
By harnessing the power of hydroelectricity, the plant produces clean energy, which in turn promotes cleaner air and drinking water, protecting the forest and its biodiversity. These changes are also helping to preserve the natural habitat of some of the world’s last remaining wild mountain gorillas.
Yet another great result is that the project replaces expensive kerosene and charcoal as the local resident’s primary energy source. According to the ClimatePartner project summary, the plant generates enough power to provide electricity for roughly 4 million people, which means streetlights are now on for the first time.
Not only has that made it safer for people to walk at night, but the accessibility to electricity has made a big difference in the area’s economic development through community stability, new businesses, and more jobs.
Based on the European Commission JRC EDGAR reports from 2020, the power industry is the second largest contributor to CO2 emission, having produced 35,000 megatonnes of CO2 in 2020 alone. The hydroelectric plant in Virunga National Park has saved as much as 46,000 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
That’s why we’re so excited about our ongoing contribution to this ClimatePartner initiative, and we look forward to the opportunities the future will bring. For more on the carbon offset project and Crownhill’s offset CO2 emissions, click the image above or scan its QR code.