Interested in a custom packaging solution? Looking for more information on our packaging products? Contact us by email, phone, or request a free quote below. We can’t wait to work with you.
Amazon is a dynamic online retailer that’s always working to improve its packaging standards policy and ensure customer satisfaction. Its Frustration-Free Packaging program has been updated to help receive vendor products as ready-to-ship, reduce defective product deliveries, and eliminate unnecessary packaging waste.
All packages with external dimensions larger than 18 x 14 x 8” or weighing 20 pounds or more will require certification through APASS before being accepted into the program, while packages smaller than 9 x 6 x .375” will be accepted into the Prep-Free Packaging category.
Frustration-Free Packaging is made with fully recyclable materials to limit waste and make it easier for customers to recycle. According to a statement published by Amazon, since implementing the program in 2009, it’s eliminated more than 244,000 tons of packaging materials. In 2017 alone, Amazon saved the equivalent of 305 million shipping boxes.
Ships In Product Packaging allows sellers to ship their products in their original packaging without the use of an Amazon over box. The product’s packaging must meet ISTA-6 certification standards, which involves meeting specific weight, size, and delivery method requirements, then undergoing testing for preconditioning, and drop, impact, and compression testing.
Prep-Free Packaging is for products that are too small to be shipped in their own packaging and don’t require extensive delivery testing. Shipped in an ISTA-6 certified Amazon over box, they don’t need any additional prep by Amazon beyond standard packaging practices.
When choosing Crownhill Packaging, you’re getting more than just a packaging company. You’re getting a custom packaging supply chain partner who’s always up to date on Amazon’s packaging requirements.
Through our connections at the Amazon Packaging Lab, we’re one of the first to hear about any upcoming packaging changes. We can answer your questions about everything related to the Frustration-Free Packaging program.
Our North American operations are well-suited to test existing packaging, create efficient packaging solutions, and readily supply these solutions when you need them. We possess the expertise needed to create e-commerce packaging that can withstand today’s unique delivery conditions, as well as develop competitively priced solutions that provide you with the perfect option for packaging your ASINs.
With locations in Southern Ontario & Illinois, we’re one of the only APASS members able to serve customers in both Canada and the Northeastern US.
We’re one of the few APASS affiliates who can test, customize, and supply packaging while utilizing a variety of packaging materials and design capabilities.
We place a high emphasis on collaboration and relationship building, working with our suppliers and customers to create optimal packaging solutions.
We’ve been creating custom packaging for over 35 years and have infused this experience with an expanding knowledge base focused on e-commerce solutions.